Sunday, March 18, 2012

Now what?

I'm so overwhelmed. I've got a million things running through my head that I have to sort out and I don't even know where to start.
Let's start with "The department is not moving in the right direction, and I'm letting you go."

Never been "let go" from a job in my life.

Never had such a weight lifted from my shoulders that quickly, in my life.

I have never met such an egotistical, fake, ugly, socially-awkward, greedy asshole in my life. And I cannot tell you how happy I am to never have to see that face again.

But what does make me sad are all the people. There are SO many amazing people that I worked with. SO many faces I will miss seeing every day. So many friendships that have formed there. It's truly amazing how much closer a environment like that can bring people. You all suffer through each day together.

I know some are sad to see me go. I know that others are jealous that they weren't the next one to go. And I know there's some that could care less. But to those who are sad, don't be. This is my chance, this is when I finally get to go out and make something of myself. This is my time to grow, go find myself, to be the best that I can be and no one can drag me down now.  My slate is clean, this is a new beginning. In a way I it's like I've just graduated High School again. I won't see the majority of the people ever again and if I do, it will be that awkward eye contact where you question if you say hi, or pretend you didn't see each other. Others you won't get together with not as often as you'd like, but think of them often. You've got this wide future ahead of you and it's all up to you what's next. It's a great feeling AND an incredibly scary feeling.

So to all of my friends, I love you. I'll miss you. And let's try to get together often.
And to, you "others" screw you, backstabbers!

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