Tuesday, April 3, 2012

"Today is the first day of the rest of your life"
Have you heard that quote before?
Well, it holds true to me today.
I have been trying to live a healthier life for years. I've lost weight in the past, but haven't kept it off. I've exercised in the past, but not kept up on it. I tried being a vegetarian. I've tried eating low carb- high protein diets. I've done diet pills, I've done Weight Watchers (multiple times), I've done TOPS (Taking off Pounds Sensibly), I've tried the herbal suggestions of Dr. Oz, I've tried many, many things.  But nothing sticks. The only thing that is going to work is ME.
So, I've lost my job. I've got nothing but time on my hands at this point so I've decided today is the day that everything is going to change.
Yesterday I was "installed" as Co-Leader at our TOPS Chapter. What better time to really kick it in gear to be a motivation to others.  Hopefully helping myself as trying to help and motivate others.
I've decided to put more time, work, and quality into the things we eat. We're going to eat less pre-packaged foods, more organic and more fresh, one ingredient foods. Not only that but we're not eating ANY red meat this week, and with that, hoping to limit it from here on out (I say "limit" because we will both need a big ole juicy BEEF burger once in a while)
Yesterday I signed up for College classes to start working towards a CAREER, not just shitty jobs that I get stuck in just to pay the bills.
I am not one that deals well with change. I stress and agonize and have anxiety like a lunatic, but this is my chance. This is the time for me to better myself for my future family and just be HAPPY.  So, to be realistic, I'm also FREAKING OUT over all these changes, but I'm just trying to stay strong and take one day at a time. I'm sure as the start of school edges near, I will be a ball of nerves but in the end it will all be for the best.
I will surround myself only with the people who support me, love me, and those friends and family that I know I can truly trust.
So I ask all of you for your support, prayers and encouragement as I, as WE, transition into this new stage in our lives.

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