Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Next Chapter

On Mother's Day (2012) I took a pregnancy test. This was our last chance (with many failures) before my OB was to send me to a specialist out of town. Not wanting to go that route (which would probably require me to give myself injections), we were hoping it may work this time around. I had been taking Provera and Clomid for 6 months. 50mg of Clomid didn't work, 100mg of Clomid didn't work, so it was 150mg or going to a specialist.
So, a few minutes after taking the test, I walked towards the bathroom, on the way saying to Greg "I don't even want to look."  He responded that he would but I refused, as he followed me to the bathroom. I picked the test up from the back of the toilet and saw a faint second line. My eyes must have gotten huge. Of course Greg, being the skeptic of everything that he is didn't believe it because the second line was very faint. I explained to him that I have NEVER had a trace of a second line before so this may mean SOMETHING. So, we ran to the store and picked up the Clearblue Digital test, thinking seeing the *words* might make it more real, more accurate. Sure enough. The next morning I took two more tests, one of each brand, again.
Conveniently enough, the next morning was my already scheduled follow-up OB visit (I had one each month while on the drugs). The next week I had my first ultrasound confirming it. A little tiny baby Gable. Just a little dot at that point. We knew the chances of twins was there because of the fertility treatments and having to increase the dosage twice, but there was just one. One little tiny dot of baby.
The next week we went back for a follow-up ultrasound just to check the growth. Halfway through the exam the lady says "Oh, I didn't see this before" of course Greg and I both turn to instant worry. She follows with "there's another heartbeat. You have twins."  Yep sure enough. Two heartbeats.
Of course, Doctors strongly suggest you wait until you're 12 weeks to announce it to the world (because the rate of miscarriage drops drastically after 12 weeks).. This was NOT easy. Sooo...close friends and our immediate family members found out early but we didn't announce it to everyone else until 7/11/12 (I'll be 12 weeks tomorrow 7/13/12).  I did get some tests and an ultrasound done on Tuesday 7/10/12, but the pics aren't very good so I haven't posted those anywhere. I can only tell what I'm looking at in them because I could make out things better in the video as she was taking the pics. So until I get better ones, we'll just stick with the 8 week ultrasound pics for now.
So ya, the Gables are growing. We've been stocking up on second hand and yard sale baby clothes (so cheap! and in great shape). We're registered EVERYWHERE. We're so excited! (and terrified). Like any parents were just wishing for two healthy babies but we both would love one of each, one boy and one girl. But so far, everything is going well. I haven't been too sick (no puking). I've had headaches, lack of energy, weight LOSS (due to no appetite), and nausea. But nothing too bad which is GREAT!
I'll keep everyone posted through this new journey.

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